Anyone Have some Chaeto for sale???


In Memoriam
i need some chaeto for my fuge, i will be going down to davenport next weekend so if anyone has any in the davenport area that i could come buy please let me know. but anywhere in the eastern iowa area i could come get it. thanx in advance- Tony
I can give you some if you want to come to waterloo to get it. Otherwise I can drop some in the mail.

Wanna try something? Put some in a ziplock and then in an envelope and throw a simple stamp on it. I want to know if this works. So many people just ditch their trimmings. This could be a great way (and kind way) of just giving it away. Most anyone would lose if it completely died off during transfer would be a stamp.

Help a fellow reefer out?

I'll take some if you want to try it.
I'll mail some if you pay for the shipping. I think it would be fine as long as it doesn't get too cold. I had some sitting in a ziplock bag for about 5 days and it appeared to still be fine...

I wish I had known more people still wanted some, I just threw out about 2 gallons of the stuff.
I'll tell ya what. I will send you a big bag, and you owe me a small frag of anything sometime in the future.