Anyone interested in a SPS Frag Pack?


New member
I can put together a nice beginner pack of SPS or some more advanced stuff, if anyone is interested. I also have a nice Green Sinularia, a Yellow Sarcophyton, and a few other softies that I'm looking to get rid of.
Here's the softies:
Yellow Sarcophyton - $10
Blue Capnella - $10
Pink Pom Pom Xenia (some Bright Green Briarium just encrusted base) - $10
Green Star Polyps w/ Green Centers - $10
Green Sinularia 5-6" tall fully open- $20
Silver Branch Xenia - $20
Pink Heteroxenia (?) -$10

$75.00 for everything...
Good choice on Silver Branch Xenia, it's a rapid pulser...

Yellow Sarcophyton, Silver Branch Xenia, and Pink Heteroxenia sold.

$40 takes the rest, and I'll throw in another piece of Pink Heteroxenia.
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Softies are sold. I have a few nice SPS that are still fraggable, and some larger colonies of beginner SPS if anyone is interested.