Anyone know of LFS with photo gorgonians?


New member
Topic says it all. Looking at various photosynthetic gorgonians and hoping to find one/some in the region (and not have to deal with shipping). Anyone spotted one recently? :)
If you are coming to the TFP swap,I will give you a frag of the photosynthesizing Gorg I have.Its very hardy and I have been growing it for a decade or so.Not great color and kinda brown but pretty in its own way
Ohhh, thanks Rigle. Still working on the wife to talk her into us going there. Hopefully! :D Will let you know within a week or so if we plan on it. :)
I have a few I could make frags of to give you. Mine are like Dan's, not the prettiest, but hardy. I work in Williamsport so getting them to you shouldn't be hard.