Anyone Looking For Some Vho Lights

Tank- you might want to price compare with hello lights:

I have a set going and they are great! I believe KaptKen also uses them... just another option...

Addicted-'better' is always a relative term, but generally, yes. VHOs are probably the least expensive lighting option that will sustain SPS coral growth. PCs generally will not. they are fine for fish only or for some soft corals. heres a link to a page in the wikibook I have been working on if your interested in more info:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10830666#post10830666 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by firecrackerbob
Tank- you might want to price compare with hello lights:

I have a set going and they are great! I believe KaptKen also uses them... just another option...


I got this Diy kit from hellolights for $70 w/shipping and am waiting till ken orders bulbs before I set it up. The bulbs he gets dont need reflectors(they are built in). Unless you need the plastic shell its a way better deal.
I'm sold on VHO's!!!

As Bob said VHO are probably the most efficient, and the least amount of heat. Plus I think dollar for dollar you can't even compare them to anything else in what your able to grow under them.
The side benefit is the built in reflectors too which is available from only a few suppliers so make sure you see "reflective" or "reflector" in the listing for your tubes.
I recommend changing them out every 8 months to get maximum output also. Beyond that you'll see your more demanding corals weakening.
PC's are good for about 6 months but my VHO's were effective up to 8 months before I saw any significant reductions.