Anyone need or want Berghia Nudibranch?

I would love to order but dont live near you. Ive been looking in the Pittsburgh area for some but cant find any and my aptasia problem just keeps getting worse!
perez, for what its worth, I bought a copperband from live aquaria. I had and outbreak of aiptasia that had made me want to break the tank down. Literally two weeks in the tank. I could not find any aiptasia.
and I have tried berghia's and they take a while to even make an impact.
Thanks for the advice. I really dont want to add another fish and I have heard that they dont always go for aiptasia just like peppemint shrimp. I may be wrong though. Its not a chaotic yet but it will be if I dont take action now. I plan on purchasing about three of them and breeding them which I heard its really easy to do and then slowly introduce them into the system.

I would like to place the order this weekend for possible Tuesday or Wednesday delivery. PM me if interested


Have you ever observed your file fish attack any of your zoas? I have heard there is a chance they might do so. My tank is full of them and I would hate to lose any.
To tell you the truth I don't have any. I have only ever seen him nip once and He hadden't been feed in a while so i can't blame him for being hungry lol. But really he has been a great fish for me some may have difrent to say you know how that goes...
I battled aptisia for over a year with no luck. Picked up a copperband and in 2 weeks there was none in the tank and I had a lot.