Anyone use Kick Ich in their SPS system?

10" Red Devil

New member
I inadvertantly still got ich in my tank even after quarantining my fish. I have fish that are quick, quick, quick. The main fish that has it the most is a carpenter wrasse. I know this stuff is supposed to be reef safe, but I dont know if I want to risk it on my sps system. the system is 25gallons system volume and has 30lbs of live rock.

Anyway I have a buncha frags that are finally starting to color up after months of looking dull and I really would hate to have to dismantle the entire reef, but I need to get all 4 fish out so Im not sure a trap would be any good as it may take too long.

Anyway back to the original question: Anyone use this stuff in their sps system and did it work?

I used bottles and bottles of that stuff on my tank when it was softies and it never worked. Save your money, either dissamble the reef in order to capture and quarentine the fish with copper or write the fish off. Copper is the only thing I've seen that is ever really effective.
Useless stuff, I used it myself. Trap the fish and keep them in quarantine and let the pest die on it's own. Worked for me!!
I have to agree with the other post. Being a former LFS owner I never saw it work on any of my clients tanks. If it was me. I would let it run its course. One of two things will happen.... 1) Fish will die, you will replace them.....2)It will clear up on it's own.
Unless the fish stop eating I wouldn't worry to much about them. They can usually overcome it.

UV sterilizer!!!

I 've just been throught with my ick problem. I have a 400G mixed reef. My powder blue keeps getting ick no matter what I did. I qurantined it and it still got ick once I put it in the big tank. Caugth it and placed in QT with hyposal and UV for 2 months. Ick gone. Put it back in main tank, ick started to show up again after a few days. So finally bought an 80W UV and now, no signs of ick. Couldn't be happier. An UV unit for your tank size is not that expensive.
I used garlic (soaked the fish food in it) and it seemed to work. Been without Ich for a year now.