Anyone use Ozone in their FOWLR?

I use it on my 300. Vast improvement in water quality. I wish that I had known about it when I started setting up my tank.
I use 2 different generators. I have a 50 mg Red sea unit with a controller and a probe that runs 24/7, and a 200 mg Enaly unit that I run as needed to supplement the Red Sea. They are both t'd into the same air line going into my ASM skimmer.
Yes, I am also interested in what units people are using on their fowlr tanks. I am thinking about purchasing one but don't know what to get. Also what is everyone running theirs through? I dont really want to run mine into the skimmer, so what are the other options. Sorry for the hijack Nocturnal.
I am using an a aquazone plus 100mg from red sea which is having an intregrated ORP controller. I have been using one over my reef tank for a few months and love it! I bought one for my FOWLR setup too but not yet installed since i dont know if its ok to put it on right now, the tank is only 3 weeks old
I also use the aquazoneplus 100mg unit. But I have heard Sanders and Enlay make good units also.

FWIW - It is not wise to run an ozone generater without a drier.
I run a Resun 250mg/Hr ozone gen with built-in air pump. I use a Milwaukee orp controller. After seeing the difference it has made on my tank I would never run a tank without one ever again. Water is crystal clear skimmer performance has gone way up. I run my ORP @ 387 ozone kicks in 405 shuts off.