Anyone Using Pentair Fiberglass troughs?


New member

Seems their 120 gallon model would be ideal for a frag growout system for the $300 cost...

12 inches deep, 24 inches wide and 8 foot long, seems like a good size for lighting and stands should be easy to construct, just wish they were white.

Anyone using these (or other fiberglass) troughs?

I have one, but have not set it up as a frag tank. I used it as a holding tank during my tank swap and it worked great.

how is the rigidity? How did you support it if you don't mind me asking?

They flex some. I bought is used and need to do a little fiberglass work to it for my liking. It is on a 3/4" plywood sheet and 2x stand. I added a picture.
Oh, did you drill any holes/use any bulkheads?

The previous owner did. It has some that are not placed where I would want them. I plan to fiberglass over the ones I do not want. The bulkheads held water just fine when it was full.

Pentair Trough

Pentair Trough

Any update on this? Thinking of getting one. Does the $300 include shipping?
i have 2, 2'x8'x12" deep i piked them up a while ago form a coral stre that was closing, never got the chance to set them up but i got the 2 and a 150g plastic sump for 150