anyone want a 90 gallon (well a n 85)


New member
i'm starting to think about selling again. i want to keep the skimmer and cal rx. but i think i need to get rid of the tank, lights, rc jr, rocks, corals and fish.

if anyone is wanting a system minus a skimmer and reactor. let me know. i have another year of school left and need the dough, and the time i put into the tank.....but as soon as i graduate i'm going full on with a 240. yeah!
powder brown tang, 8 line wrasse, eye lash blenny, midas blenny, 2 clarkii clowns hosting a hadoni. i have monti caps and digi, pink stylopora, green slimmer, blue mille, purple mille, and some other stuff.

As always it sucks to see someone getting out of the hobby, but its good to know its only temporary. Are you piecing out or selling as a package?
doris you have a full mail box.

mr harris it looks like i will be selling the live stock and hardware seperate. give me a few days to see who's interested.
pm me if you want to get rid of those clowns....and the anemone. My fiance's birthday is commin up and she wants a pair of clowns.
hey everyone, sorry i haven't replied. i had a root canal this afternoon. ugggh.

it looks like doris wants all of the rock. the tang, blenny's and a couple of the corals are spoken for as well.