Anything out there eat shrooms?


New member
Well I have shrooms that some how hitchhiked into my tank. My tank is a full blown SPS tank so I really dont want shrooms in my tank.

Is there anything out there that will eat these guys? They seem to be popping up everywhere.
Are you sure they're shrooms? Even the ones that grow like weeds don't exactly pop up quickly. If they really are shrooms I'm sure there's someone on here that would want them if you were willing to take the time to prop them... and if not a LFS probably would take them for a modest credit.

I dont know of anything that eats them though. Maybe a fish that isn't reef safe, but it would probably go for another coral first lol
Fish wont eat them Sunny. It would kill them. There me be some obligate corallivores out there that may sample em, but they would love your Acros more. ie certain butterfly fish. Propogate them and sell them-------more money for other corals.
i had flatworms in my tank that seemed to prey on purple mushrooms. they would congregate on the mushroom and the mushrooms guts would poke out of the spot the flatworm was feasting on. other mushrooms were not affected though. no idea how you could find out what species of flatworm they were or if they would affect other corals though.
have a spongecrab (peaches) that ate three large mushrooms a day when I gave her the chance. I'd almost farm her out to ya but I'm not mailing her... I've got her in my fuge now - turns out she's a chaeto eating machine as well. Odd thing is - I have two small spongecrabs that are green - they only eat hair algae. PS -she didn't touch my sps, my zoos, my bubble coral - none of it. She just went on a mushroom rampage. good luck
I had a Sea Hare that ate my purple mushrooms, it didn't touch anything ells. I never heard of Sea Hare's eating muchrooms, but I watched it eat them, otherwise I would have thought it was something ells.