APEX: It's Alive!


Crazy Designer
After totally crashing my old tank when I went on vacation do to an ATO problem, I bought a Neptune Apex Next Generation Controller several months ago, along with an EB8. I have finally set it up and actually got it to do something.

I picked up an Apex PMUP sump pump as soon and it became available for sale. I am still waiting for the new gray module boxes so I used a DIY 8 pin Mini-Den cable to take the place of a Brake Out Box until I can buy the real thing along with an FMM.

This is the cable that I bought:

The first thing that I did was strip the wires and start using a volt meter to identify which wires were which. If you get a cable like this, your results may vary. I found that my wiring pin out was different from the YouTube video that I use to make my wiring harness. My call out was as follows with purple being ground:

Sw1 Black to Purple
SW2 Brown to Purple
SW3 Red to Purple
SW4 Orange to Purple
SW5 Yellow to Purple
SW6 Green to Purple


The next step was to hook it all up to my 4 auto top off float switches.

In the garage, I have a 55 gallon RO/DI reservoir on the ground. I used low and a high water float switches for it so that the filtration unit isn't turned on and off all day as the water level fluctuates. Otherwise the DI resin would get used up to quickly.

I also have another tank above it that is about 30 gallons for the actual ATO sump. It is in the garage and the water line for it is the same as the display tank. I use an optical flow switch for the ATO high water turn off, along with a regular float switch as a backup. I don’t know much about electronics so I printed the wiring diagram for the sensor and went to Radio Shack and showed it to them and they gave me what I needed for resistors. I laid out the sensor, the resistors and the wires on the paper and started soldering and testing my work. After several miss-steps, I got it working so I taped it all up and put it to work.

I plugged in my 24v PMUP to add fresh water to the sump as needed. Then I spent a few days playing with the sensor height, only turning it on when I was home and awake until I could trust it. Now it seems to work pretty well.