Apex Pro Failure - Lack of Support from Apex


New member
Buyer beware – Don’t let Neptune (or any controller) be a single point of failure:

Started using the APEX Pro A3 in 2020. Over the year I slowly added on and increased the automation of my tank. Today I have the Pro A3 Controller, Fluid Monitors, SKY x2, Neptune, and GRO. Thousands of dollars invested in Neptune’s solution, all purchased from Bulk Reef Supply.

2024 the Pro controller stopped communicating. Scoured the internet and carried out every troubleshooting procedure that I could find, nothing worked. Opened a ticket with Neptune on March 17, describing all the steps I took and the condition of the controller.

March 18 I got a response asking me to repeat all the troubleshooting steps I already did, and described in my original request. Responded same day explaining I did everything already, as stated.

March 19, Neptune requested proof of purchase, I send my BRS receipts.

March 20, Neptune requested I use a link to request an RMA. The link takes me to a request page, I inputted my data, clicked submit – “Sorry, you’ve been blocked, unable to access Neptunesystems.com”

Cleared cache, reboot, etc. No luck. Tried a different computer, no luck. Tried my work computer at the office, same message.

March 23, sent Neptune a screen shot of the Blocked error message. Meanwhile, my tank is running in manual, no monitoring, no testing, no alarming, etc. Offline for 5 days now.

March 25, Neptune respond with advice to disable my VPN if using one – I’m not. They also requested a screen shot of the error message showing the IP address – responded same day.

March 26, Sent a follow up expressing my dissatisfaction with Neptune's lack of urgency given their products support aquatic life.

March 26, Neptune customer service responded with a manual RMA number and ship to address. Shipped out that day.

March 27, I followed up with Neptune, letting them know it was shipped, and tracking says it will arrive today. Neptune responded, confirming the unit was received. I’m told it will take 7 to 10 days. I assumed business days.

Offline for 9 days now.

April 17, I received an automated “Customer Satisfaction Survey” from Neptune.

Offline for 30+ days now, I’ve heard nothing from Neptune – and they want to know if I’m satisfied with their service?

April 19, sent a request to Neptune for an update.

Offline for 34 days now and counting.

I ended up buying another controller, as I travel for work and rely heavily on the automation Apex provides. Hopefully I'll get my original back, and I'll use it as a backup.
Buyer beware – Don’t let Neptune (or any controller) be a single point of failure:

Started using the APEX Pro A3 in 2020. Over the year I slowly added on and increased the automation of my tank. Today I have the Pro A3 Controller, Fluid Monitors, SKY x2, Neptune, and GRO. Thousands of dollars invested in Neptune’s solution, all purchased from Bulk Reef Supply.

2024 the Pro controller stopped communicating. Scoured the internet and carried out every troubleshooting procedure that I could find, nothing worked. Opened a ticket with Neptune on March 17, describing all the steps I took and the condition of the controller.

March 18 I got a response asking me to repeat all the troubleshooting steps I already did, and described in my original request. Responded same day explaining I did everything already, as stated.

March 19, Neptune requested proof of purchase, I send my BRS receipts.

March 20, Neptune requested I use a link to request an RMA. The link takes me to a request page, I inputted my data, clicked submit – “Sorry, you’ve been blocked, unable to access Neptunesystems.com”

Cleared cache, reboot, etc. No luck. Tried a different computer, no luck. Tried my work computer at the office, same message.

March 23, sent Neptune a screen shot of the Blocked error message. Meanwhile, my tank is running in manual, no monitoring, no testing, no alarming, etc. Offline for 5 days now.

March 25, Neptune respond with advice to disable my VPN if using one – I’m not. They also requested a screen shot of the error message showing the IP address – responded same day.

March 26, Sent a follow up expressing my dissatisfaction with Neptune's lack of urgency given their products support aquatic life.

March 26, Neptune customer service responded with a manual RMA number and ship to address. Shipped out that day.

March 27, I followed up with Neptune, letting them know it was shipped, and tracking says it will arrive today. Neptune responded, confirming the unit was received. I’m told it will take 7 to 10 days. I assumed business days.

Offline for 9 days now.

April 17, I received an automated “Customer Satisfaction Survey” from Neptune.

Offline for 30+ days now, I’ve heard nothing from Neptune – and they want to know if I’m satisfied with their service?

April 19, sent a request to Neptune for an update.

Offline for 34 days now and counting.

I ended up buying another controller, as I travel for work and rely heavily on the automation Apex provides. Hopefully I'll get my original back, and I'll use it as a backup.
Any update on the outcome with Neptune?