Appropriate light for anenomes and sea star


Hello! I have three beautiful bubble tip anemone and a red knob sea star. One large anemone is starting to move around, which I hear is normal. My sea star is climbing to the top of the tank to water edge. I am feeding him mastick pellets, offering shrimp chunks. He is eating the pellets readily. The shrimp - not so much - he had one chunk a day ago, but said NO THANKs today. I moved him (gloved hand) back to the floor when I offered shrimp today, but he moved around and went back to the top. He looks in good shape.

My water parameters this morning were 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, <.25 phosphate, pH 8.0, temp 79-80, salinity 30 PPM, 140 gal. two clownfish, a diamond goby, a talbot's damsel, 5 small hermit crabs, and my new invertebrates who just joined the tank on Thursday - a sea star, 3 bubble tip anemones and a tuxedo sea urchin.

My first thought was he was looking for food, and maybe he is. I can keep offering pellets, -- what else would you recommend?
My second is that perhaps lighting is not bright enough>. I have two Hyrda 32 HD LED lights and can program the intensity and color value. What would you recommend?

Tank is fully cycled. I have a buffet of algae for anyone who would PLEASE eat it. I have a refugium with pods and chaeto, a protein skimmer.

Appreciate any and all advice. Love my animals and want the best for them

Thank you! What about the bubble tip anemones? My largest one left his rock and is on the glass now also near the top. I thought that might be odd.
It is generally believed that when anemones move up to the top of the tank they are seeking more light. With that said, you also don’t want to blast the LEDs either. Have you mapped your par? Or do you know your current light settings to see if you could get a rough estimate of current par?
I don't have a PAR meter, so I did look up the AI settings for 2 Hydra 32 reef -- it is much brighter than what I had been using. Here is what it is now set at for part of the day and then in proportion at lower levels before and after.

What is the best light schedule to use with the Hydra 32?​

For a reef tank, we recommend the following which closely mimics the popular AB+ spectrum.

  • UV: 110%
  • Violet: 110%
  • Royal: 120%
  • Blue: 120%
  • Green: 10%
  • Deep Red: 10%
  • Moonlight: n/a
  • Cool White: 60%
I have that now, but it is very bright. The AI says it is at about 77 watts with this combination. My tank is about 27" in height and the lights are mounted about 10" or so above the water level.
I have two of them for a 140 gal 48" width and 24" depth tank. What are your thoughts? Anyone with a similar sized Reef tank and similar/ same lights? Willing to share a template? Thanks
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I would bring the light up slowly so you don’t shock/burn anything. I’m not an LED user so I can’t make specific recommendations.
If I’m not mistaken, AI has a 30 day acclimation setting that can be set up. I would encourage doing that if that setting is still available.