Appx 220gal L-Shaped plywood build.


New member
Hi folks,

New here and starting on a new build. We are going to DIY as much as we can. FOWLR to start, probably build a reef after lighting is upgraded. Look forward to sharing our adventure and drawing on the extensive knowledge base here.
Will share some pics when I learn how to upload from my phone.
Good luck welcome to Reef Central.
I suggest joining a local reef club, lots of free info there as well. Also I can't stress enough the importance of an rodi unit. Even for the cycling and curing processes
Already have the RODI up and running! New filters will be in order by the time the rank is ready for water though. :)
No salt water clubs in my area but have a line on a local reefer I am hoping to hook up with.
The tank is going to be closer to 257 gal not including sump/plumbing and had ended up at two seperated tanks running off one system due to the length of the glass panels, it's to long on one side and can't be cut. Due to this we are hoping to end up with a community tank and a predator tank. Still working on adding pics, will upload some to photobucket and post the link.

Tried to put what's in my head on to paper.

Hmm.. Link doesn't work, try this?
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Going to attempt a better thread. :)

So here's the plan in my head. I am not a great drawer so I apologize in advance for subjecting you all to it.

Cutting the lumber. We reclaimed the 1" plywood and the 2"x2"'s we used for extra bracing.


Almost done half the frame for the stand.

A well deserved brew!

Seems like everyone includes their other pets in their build pics, but do they have pets with laser beams shooting out of their eyes?! :)

More pics as things progress.