AquaC Urchin


New member
I am lookign to buy one of the Aqua C Urchins because of my minimal stand room. It will be placed in a 10g sump under my 20g display tank.I have read the the skimmer is 18" tall, and that 24"-26" is needed to be able to remove the collection cup. I only have around 23" to work with. Would i still be able to fit the skimmer in there? from what i have read, the Urchin is the smallest in sump skimmer. Is this true? Are there any other skimmers you woudl recommend?

also, do you price match from other online sellers, such as

Thank You,
Hi CJ,

We will price match other offers. On the urchin, the collection cup sits pretty deep into the skimmer, so you need some extra height to pull it up and out. So you might have trouble with only 23". You could always tilt the skimmer to an angel though.

If you have the foot print room, i would look at the EuroReef ES5-2 or CS5-2, they are similar skimmers, the ES5-2 is made out of a less expensive acrylic, but it works great and is on sale at

Both of these need about 9x9 room, but they are only 20" tall and zero height collection cup removal, so they would fit your height requirements and they skim excellent.

thanks you for replying back

I am in a bit of a pickle, becasue i really wasent planning on spending that kind of money on a EuroReef skimmer. It looks like a great skimmer, though. I am more in the range of $150, i mean i dont have a job, and money kinda tight since i am 15. DO you have any other skimmers you woudl recomend?

If not, i migth be able to borrow some money, and get the EuroReef

Hi CJ,

The Urchin is a good skimmer also if you don't mind possibly moving it to get the collection cup off each time.

The only other skimmer in that size would be the TurboFloter or Berlin. I would probably go TurboFloter over berlin, these are flimsy made skimmers, meaning think plastic, parts do not fit great, but they do skim very well, just not made of high quality parts. You might have height issues with the Turbo too though, it's about 23" tall.

Actually, i thought of one other. The CPR SR2, it's similar to a bakpak only for sump. It's short enough to fit. It's a decent skimmer, main complaint is bubbles escaping. YOu could setup a sponge under or beside and fix that though. It's only 99.95.

So i would lean more toward the Urchin or the EuroReef.
Hey thanks alot man.

The footprint of the EuroReef is 9x9", is that with the pump? I cut out a 9x9" square out of paper, just to see how it woudl fit in my 10g sump. It will end up takign up almost half the entire sump. I plan on havign a place for a fuge, and i have to have a compartment for the MAG 7. I am worried i wont have enough room in my small 10g sump for everyhting i need. DO you have any suggestions?

I was thinking about buying a RubberMaid container that is bigger to use. Do you think this woudl be OK? I mean i would rather have an aquarium so i can see into it, but i guees i will have to sacrifice for the fuge.

I really dotn want to have to tilt the AquaC urchin, so i guess i will have to go with the EuroReef. I was lookignat your website, an you guys carry a Pacific Coast Skimmer that is about $110. Is this a good skimmer?

Also, do you carry the 175w XM 20k bulbs? I will be needign one of those, too. has a special on free shipping on orders over $175, do you guys offer that?

Hi CJ,

the 9x9 does include the pump, so that is the max space needed, so doesn't actually have a 9x9 plate on it, so little wiggle room left.

Using a rubber maid would be fine, many people use those. That is the drawback being able to see in there.

On the Pacific Coast skimmer, those are decent, i forgot about those. They would not skim as good as Euro or AquaC, but for the money they would be a good choice.

We do have XM lamps instock and can match the MD special on shipping.

Great, thank you so much.

From what i have read, i will have to have pristine water conditions if i am goign to be successfully able to raise clams, so i guess the only skimmer woudl be the EuroReef. However, is it possible to over skim the tank, and hurt the clams and SPS?

How much woudl a 175w XM 20k cost me?

How woudl i match prices on the internet? it states that i can only get the EuroReef on sale if i order from the net.

Here is my situation, very simliar to yours...

I was looking at the Euro reefs and Urchins as you are. I got to measuring and uh oh. I find out that I can't fit the Euro Reef in my sump... So i decided to go with the Urchin. I have had it for about 2 or 3 months now, and I HATE it. Most of the time it pulls out clear water, and I end up just letting it run back into the sump...because it is not worth pulling out. Sometimes I will get a light brown stuff out of it. I have tried all the adjustments and stuff, and everybody told me to just let it break in...well, I think I have waited long enough now. So I think I am going to be getting a bigger sump now and going with the Euro I should have done in the beginning.

It was weird, when I was reseraching the Urchins, all I found about them was how great they are...then I posted a thread with my problems and then a bunch of other people started saying...yeah, mine does that too. uuuugggghhhhh!

I hope it works good for you. I am still deciding on how to redo my sump...whether to just go bigger, or completly redesign it. Then I'll be getting one.

BTW jasonfrey, how would somebody go about getting the shipping special when they buy from Premium Aquatics??
i got the EuroReef today. I havent ran it yet since my tnka isnt setup yet. It looks like its gonna be awsome, though. Now if only i could get my XM bulb to fire....