AquaMedic Ocean Light 24" 1 x 250W plus 2x24W T5 - Black


Active member
I am looking for an AquaMedic Ocean Light 24" 1 x 250W plus 2x24W T5 - Black, but without the metal halide bulb (since I already have one). Is it possible to sell this without the metal halide bulb?

Also what brand is the bulbs?

The bulb would be an AB brand bulb. That light won't be available for a few weeks as we have none in stock and AquaMedic had a fire in Dec. that destroyed all of their inventory. Probably will be the end of Feb. before they have that to ship out.
Hi, thanks for the reply.

I actually have a brand new Aqualine AB 20K bulb already, is there any chance I can buy the light without the bulb?
The light is the problem. It will probably be the end of Feb. before this light is available in the US. Due to the fire, AquaMedic has zero inventory. We ship this item directly from AquaMedic to you, so there's nothing I can do until they get their new shipment in.
I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough,

regardless of when it is shipped, are you able to sell it without the bulb?
I actually decided to keep an extra bulb just in case, so I'll order it with the 20K.

Are they in stock yet? When I order where do I say what kelvin rating I want the bulb to be?

I can order as soon as it gets in.
