Aquarium/Reef Center??


In Memoriam
Are George and/or John of Aquarium and Reef Center in
Cape Coral, Florida still in business. Thanks Dennis
last i checked .. they were, but go tot he top of this forum, and visit the LFS Directory .. you can find their number in there & give them a call.
I personally think the livestock at the Aquarium & Reef Center is really well maintained.

Why do you think they are extremely overpriced?

Why do you hope they should go out of business?

I'm just curious because i shop there often.

"extremely overpriced"

Have you ever shopped around?

I've had a friend that was totally ripped off by the management at the Del Prado store. I can go into detail if you like--PM me if interested.
Concrete Reefer:

Fill me in, I think your full of crap. I have delt with George for a LOOONNNGGG time , and promise you they are an excellent group. Oh yeah, I can back up my statment ....
Aquarium and Reef Center may be overpriced compared to your online shopping or, mikes corals fish and rock, but they also don't have quite the overhead.

Mike's shop isn't very large and last I heard he doesn't have any overhead at all.

All The online shops around here don't have any at all considering they buy in bulk, or they usually have the items shipped from the suppliers to the customers (cuts out some of the middle man).

You have to take into consideration the information and time the Aquarium shops are willing to put into teaching fundamentals, helping you with problems, sweating in a shop six days a week, going to Miami or Tampa to handpick livestock, and maintaining everything in a shop downtown Cape Coral/Del Prado.

They have one of the nicest shops around with a very high standard and variety of livestock and along with that comes price inflation.

Thats my opinion on the whole subject.
Baja, I was also a little thrown off by the response too. I've been to all the shops around town, and have really seen what i think is the best quality, in the Aquarium and Reef Center shops.

Keep this conversation civil - stick to facts, and leave name calling out of this!

Failure to do so will have the post reported to a mod, and what happens from there, is out of our hands.

Baja & scaryperson,

If you do a search of concretes post, you will probably find his previous posts on this subject. He feels that him and/or his buddy got ripped off by the guys there. I doubt Concrete would just fab up a story to bash a store he used to frequent & patrionize before. I'm sure there is another side to the story - as there is to everything ....

I personally am not a huge fan of the stores, I've got my reasons for not patrionizing either of the 2 stores .... but I will keep that to myself. I'm glad you have a good relationship with the store & it's owner - I have my favorite stores and have developed a great relationship with the owners of them local stores.
I believe my response was civil enough.

I understand that it is his opinion of the shops and just wanted to voice my own.

I didn't mean to sound explosive or mad. If i did, the message would be in caps.
I had this long post written but decided it was best for me to keep my mouth shut. I saved it just in case the time ever arises and I need to post it... just not right now.

Let me just say I was a loyal customer there for years.
I would say the same about any other retail store that ripped me or a close friend of mine off.

I'm sure some people like to buy goods/livestock from them and thats fine & good. I have taken mine (& others) business elsewhere.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11104757#post11104757 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scaryperson27
I believe my response was civil enough.
I didn't mean to sound explosive or mad. If i did, the message would be in caps.

I wasn't implying that you or anyone else were going off yet - just wanted to make sure everyone plays nice from that point on - this is one of those threads that could easily get out of line and blow up.

Take care,

A pitch was thrown and I took a swing.....Perhaps a comment like the one presented should have been held accountable. No name calling occurred and my comment was hardly out of line so to each, their own.

Scaryperson27: Your response was perfect.
Seriously, If you think I'm full of crap- I will gladly meet you somewhere so you can see with your own eyes why I posted what I did.

PM me if interested.