Are all power heads created equal?


New member
Reason I ask is that I have a few powerheads from my nano days that I tested out.. 5 to be exact. Now I have a 60 gallon display tank and 30 gallon sump and am using the same powerheads (3 in total) in this tank.

I am wondering if I should replace these powerheads with larger ones since they move more water in a wider span vs the nano ones I currently have...

My return pump is an eheim 900 gph unit, I am using a Tunze Turbelle Nanostream 6040 (40% main, 60% boost), Jebao SW-2 running at 90% on "Else" mode and a Hydor Koralia Nano-240.

The Tunze is blowing from the far right corner to the middle bottom of the tank, the Jebao is blowing from the far left to the far right corner and the Hydor is blowing from the mid/left to the top right..

I find their streams to be fairly narrow, and I am wondering if replacing one or all with larger powerheads would be more beneficial?

And if so which ones? programmable or not? and why?
I tried to be thrifty and reuse my old powerheads. A couple of them started leaking voltage into the water. Perhaps the seals just dried up from non-use?
Cheers! Mark
You'll get more flow if you upgrade. Like all other equipment, opinions vary. The Gyre's give a lot of flow over a very wide area by design. Wave makers generally give you the ability to direct the head as opposed to just being limited to straight off the glass.

Comes down to cost at that point.