Are These Safe to Add To My Tank


New member
I was at my local SoCal beach today and found these. One is an empty snail shell with plant growth and the other is a rock with something growing on it.

Before I add them to take I have questions.

1. What are they?
2. Are they safe to add to my tank without destroying everything?



Impossible to know if they could harm your tank, but it's doubtful. You could give them a quick fresh water bath. They don't look to be in good shape. I would think the temperature difference is huge between the ocean in SoCal and your tank. So it's unlikely they would survive. But you never know till you try…
If you have a spare 10 gallon tank or even an empty 5 gallon salt bucket and an air pump, you could QT them a few weeks and just control nutrients with a few small water changes a week. That way you can observe them first. Maybe even use the cast off water from your tank to help acclimate them to that water chemistry.