Are white spot (glass) anemone shrimp very cryptic?


New member
I got a white spot anemone shrimp four days ago. Day one he was out in front chilling in the corner. I also found a husk from a molting, and assumed the stress of introduction cause it. He looked happy and mobile, and even ate some food. He's been missing for 3 days now, and I'm wondering if other's have had them disappear for long period of time? My porcelain crabs go missing for a couple days all the time, but I'm not sure if this is common for the anemone shrimp.

If he is dead, I am wondering what got him, as I'd like to try again...

Have the following in my 30 gallon biocube: 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 candy pistol shrimp, 1 hi fin banded goby, 1 halloween hermit crab, 1 porcelain anemone crab, 1 blue porcelain crab, and a bunch of small hermits and snails.... Do you think any of those would have killed the glass shrimp?
Pistol would. Do you not have a nem for it?

I thought it might but have heard candy pistols are usually pretty chill. Also the pistol hasn't touched anyone else, even those who like to hang out around his burrow... but maybe because they are a similar size and species?

No nem. I read they are okay without them as long as you have something with long polyps like euphyllia or or goniopora. Was this incorrect?
Nem shrimp are pretty much defenseless w/o the nem and an easy meal for any pistol. It's possible they use LPS as a host but it's not an adequate long term substitute for a nem.