ATO Suggestions


Hi All—I’m looking for recommendations: I have a 5g reservoir that fills-up when it’s just about empty and the water from the reservoir fills my sump. I’m looking for a solution to fully automate the filling of the reservoir—I want it to fill up when the water level falls below a certain low level, and stop filling when it reaches the high level I set it to.

I’m ideally looking for a device I can hook up to my RODI unit -don’t care about the cost and not looking for a DYI solution.

It is but it is easy to use. Programs to do common things are built into it. Lots of them. The downside is you cant make it do almost anything like an apex. You can figure out ways to re-purpose things already programmed like a simple doser program runs my Kalk stirrer so many minutes a day.
It used to turn my lights on and off before I went Noopsyche.
Apparently you have not seen my build thread where I have my Hydros system doing everything I want it to do so far. Here is a link Hex Tank Build . The Hydros post start on page 4 post #73. It controls the things at the tank. The RODI and the mixing station. With it the DI storage is auto refilled and the fresh saltwater tank is refilled when it goes low with the water in the mixing tank if it is ready to use. Once it transfers the water it automatically refills the mix tank with DI water. All I need to do is add the salt mix and press a button when it is ready for use. It also does the water changes and ATO. I dynamically dose All For Reef and KH buffer using readings from my KH Carer on the Hydros. It also control most of the lighting.
I’m happy with the used one I bought on here. But, don’t have an ATO on it. Just a 20 gallon Rubbermaid Brute and a manual float valve in the sump😉
I think they all will control our tanks. It is just what we get and what we are used to using. If you are not into coding then Hydros may be a better fit. It can still do advanced things using the generic and combiner outputs. If you know gate logic it is a breeze since you can create OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XNOR and XNAND gates with the outputs or a combination of the outputs. On the combiner it uses other outputs as inputs and those inputs can be inverted if needed. So almost anything you can do with gate logic can be done with the Hydros.
I recommend AUTOAQUA's smart ATO RO. It do turn on the solenoid when reach to low sensor and turn off when reach to high level sensor.
It also equipped with QST security and float valve for double security.