After much trial and mostly error I have found the way to successfully attach frags to live rock.
Just use a marine grade epoxy. This is only to let it conform to the irregular surfaces on both the frag and rock. Tamp the frag dry with some paper towel, add some gel super glue to the epoxy and press on. Let it sit for 3o seconds. Then put super glue on the bottom of the epoxy and push into place on the live rock.
Works every time.
Just use a marine grade epoxy. This is only to let it conform to the irregular surfaces on both the frag and rock. Tamp the frag dry with some paper towel, add some gel super glue to the epoxy and press on. Let it sit for 3o seconds. Then put super glue on the bottom of the epoxy and push into place on the live rock.
Works every time.