Attaching ricordeas


New member
I set Florida ricordeas on rubble, covered with netting for 3 weeks but noneof them attached to the rubble. Should I have left them linger or is there a better way? Without adding ballast they are moving around the tank. I seem to be having water flow even in the corners. Jim
you can use glue or a sew with a little piece of rubber to block the ricordea....
I used often the glue (Attak or similar)
If you use super glue, use the Gel kind, if you can take the rock out you want to attach them to your better off.
I didn't think I could put the gel on the ricordea's flesh. Don't I need the ricordea to attach to some rubble first??
You can put the glue below the ricordea...My experience is about the Attak glue...I don't know how work a similar glue....
DO you have the same glue?
Should I have left them linger or is there a better way?
Staple gun. :)

I just place them in a shallow container of rubble. The container has to be deep enough to block flow. In a week or two, they're attached.

I saw another technique used by one of our local club members. He bought PVC pipe in a diameter that just fits over his frag plugs. He cuts the pipe to an inch long and glues netting to one end, then sandwiches the mushroom between the frag plug and the netting with the pipe sliding over the mushroom and plug. Kinda cool solution.

Go to petco, petsmart whatever is close to you and get a small breader container. Place some small pieces of rubble in there. Place the rics in there, let them sit for a few days until they attach to the rubble. Then glue them to the rock you are wanting them on.

Or flip the ric over put a dab of glue on the bottom of them and place them on the rock. The glue isnt going to hurt them from my experience, just remember to use the gel kind.
These were all glued on, some had little pieces and i mean little pieces of rubble on them and some did not. I glued everyone of them to that rock, the rock was also in the tank the entire time I was not able to remove it to glue them. After getting a ton of glue on me, I highly suggest you take the rock out of the tank you want to attach the rics to.

Super Glue Gel is the key to this, when it hits the water it makes a shell over the glue, push the ric down a little to break up the shell and get the glue inside the shell to release a little and attach to the rock.

I already tried putting the rics in a container with rubble and a netting but after 3 weeks; no luck. I'll try the gel approach on a few and get back with the results. Thanks for everyones help. Jim
Jim: I have also used a paper towel and dabbed it on the bottom of the shroom to dry it off a little.....that seems to adhere better for me as it takes away that slime...If you go the container route, which I find works as well, make sure the bottom is totally covered with rubble, otherwise if ther are any gaps they will eventually float into that gap and start forming to your plastic container.

Nice job with that rock Y-DysygnGuy!
I attached three rics onto rock fragments & will observe their reaction for a day or two before proceeding with the others. I'll report my results.
Thanks again, Jim
I fill my old Magnum 350's carbon chamber with rubble and place the rics on top. These guys were fresh cut and healed onto rocks within 3 days.
Here is a peek into the chamber.

The 3 rics initially reduce their sizes but are now looking fine. I'll get more gel for the others but none of the 12 rics 'self attached'. I would like to know what tank conditions allow for rics to attach themselves while others requre gel to make the attachment.
The good news is that I havegood water flow even in the corners of the tank, but that is also the bad news when trying to find places for the rics.
Thanks for everyones help, Jim
You must place the rics that are loose in an area of your tank that has very low flow or place them in a plastic container that has rubble on the bottom. Again, I should emphasize that flow must be low in oder for them to attach. This is your best bet since I personally find that if you put glue on the Ricordea (before it attaches on to a piece of rubble) it will eventually come off. Sometimes you get lucky and they stay on the rock or plug that you placed them on. But more often than not if they are not attach to a small piece of rubble or even a bit of sand and you put glue on its base it will be a matter of time before it detaches.

I have kept ricordeas with great success for over 4 years. When I want them to attach I simply place them in a plastic container with rubble or low flow area in the tank and let them attach to a rock on their own.

Good luck
Carrera, I gave up after 4 weeks and will try again. I do have some that don't have anything on their back surface. How long can it take? I'llmake sure it's ina low flow area (& high cup sides) but does the light intensity matter?
Small rubble works best when trying to attach rics. If there is not an area with low flow in your tank then place them in a plastic container. It's hard to say how long it will take for them to attach. Some do it pretty fast while other take a while and in some cases they only get attach to very small pieces of rubble or sometimes sand. Once this happens you can glue them on to a piece of liverock or plug. Lighting should not be an issue as long as you don't have them inches away from metal halides.

Take a look at this website. It has great info on how to do this.

Give them a bit of time. They will eventually attach if you leave them alone in a low flow area. Follow the instructions from that website and good luck.

Rics are so easy to keep and propagate.

I have had great luck attaching ours to rocks with Super glue gel. I start with a dry rock, remove the ricordia and pat the bottom side down with a paper towel. I then put the glue both on the rock and the ricordia and then press them together. After a minute or so, I put the new rock in a tupperware container for about 5 minutes. Glue dries quick and into the tank they go. Never had a failure yet.