Attaching Zoos


Premium Member
When ever I buy zoos at the local frag shop (really cool place that frags everything, no collecting) I always end up with a few zoos that are detached from the rock and free floating. What EXACTALLY do people do/use to attach them to a rock? I've tried stuffing them in a hole and other barbaric techniques that have worked, but there has to be something better and less stressful.

I know this has been discussed, but I would like to know what people are doing and the successes theyââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve had.
rubberband works for me every time. if the polyps are still holding on to small pieces of rock I super glue gel the rock to the main rock.
Second the gel... The people at Lowes ask every time (as if it is any of their business or would have a clue what I was talking about in a description) why I buy 20 tubes at a time;).
Super glue. Just be sure to dry the rock and the base of the polyp and use as little as possible. Keep the zoanthids in a lower flow area to keep it from blowing off and until the tissue starts attaching to the rock.