Attn. Jason, Reef Central pool order


Glad you rounded up some people. The 6 lot is our only price break, but i could do shipping for say 4.95 to make it a better deal. 4.95 for ground service.

I guess we have had a misunderstanding. Here is a quote from my original e-mail.

Hi Jason,

I am interested in picking up an Amp master 3000. Would you be into entertaining an Order pool for Reef Central and members to get a sweeter deal?

If yes, what volume would it take to get price down to $250 shipped?

I missed the last pool order on these pumps, but they actually got a price down to about $230. I would be interested in this and I know this is the best selling motor on the boards right now for good flow at low operating costs.


Doug Brummett

You then replied after some e-mail problems from your AOL account:
hi Doug,

I can get the price to 250.00 if 6 people order. I would have to order those
in though, only have 2 instock.


Since I had asked for a price that included shipping I would naturally beleive that the price you quoted included the shipping. Let me know what we need to do here and if I need to pull the pool thread.
Hi Doug,

Sorry about that, didn't realize it was 250 delivered, no problem, deal is a deal. So if 6 people can order, can do 250 to your door.


Looks like we will have enough people. So far this morning I have confirmation from 3 people and a total of 5 pumps for the pool. We can give it a couple of days to round up any stragglers.

I have said on the board that I am simply a messenger on this one, so people will need to get a hold of you for payment and shipping addresses. I have simply asked them to inform you that they would like to participate in the Reef Central order pool. This way I am not involved with any of the business aspect of things.

Hi Doug,

Sounds good, just have them tell Missy or Jeremy that they want the special pool deal for 250 delivered.


Cool, thanks for getting us setup Jason.

One more question

One more question

Hey Jason,

It looks like we will have quite a few more orders. There is a lot if interest in the deal you have offered us. Some members have requested to let the thread run a few days before the order is placed.

I have proposed that you take our orders (& money :D ) but hold off on ordering the pumps from your distributor until Friday to give people a chance to join the pool and square up with you.

Is this acceptable?

Hi Doug,

I went ahead and ordered the 6 pack yesterday, but i have 2 instock already, so will have 8 available, and can order another 6 pack if there is a bunch more people.


Yes, we are taking pre-orders again for another batch. It might be a week or so before we get more pumps though. Dolphin is moving into a new factory, so shipping is slow right now.


No, deal is still good, we have 4 left instock. Just be sure to mention the special when you order so you get the pre-order price.

We'll keep offering this deal until we get cut off, works great for us and usually the wait time if any if very small.


This is really cool Jason, I am sure that all at Reefcentral are very thankful for the deal. Keep those suckers rollin:D
Hi Ray,

We are sold out on them right now, but they are on order, you can preorder over the phone if you want, we won't charge you until they are ready to ship,


Yes, we can still do that deal, we have a few instock right now. Just be sure to mention the ReefCentral special so you get the price,


Hi Jason,
I need two. can I get it at that price too :bigeyes:

I will post a message in the Atlanta Reef Club forum to see if other will join me in this pool.

