Automatic dosing question

Deep Reef

Active member
I've been automatic dosing my calc and alk for about a week now. The doses have been dripped into into my sump near my DT return pump. I notice that the dosing compartment of my sump has developed a white film. My sump has three compartments. The first is the return from the tank and is where I have my chaeto. The second is fed from the first and this is where I have my skimmer. Then the bubble trap and finally is the third return area. This is where I have my GFO reactor (will also be adding a charcoal reactor) which return into the same compartment and this area also has my DT return pump. Just wondering if this is the best place to dose or if those of you who dose are using another location such as directly into the DT?

Impurity/calcium buildup is inevitable placing your rectors upstream may minimize buildup within those pumps and periodic maintenance would improve your pumps performance.
I don't get any film. Are you dosing same time? Mine are an hour apart. Mine run 24/7 on a dosing schedule X minutes per hour. Using Apex oscillating command. Love it!
Greg- if dosing at same time you need to separate them so no negative interaction between them happens. If dosing at separate times no worries. example-all my dosing happens post filter floss but at no times do they dose at the same time.

If they are dosed at same time, put one in area where return happens, lots of flow, then the next one near return..If i had to choose with that scenario ide put alk at high flow/return area, and calcium near return side.
I am using a bubble magnus. I have alk dose 3 times per day, and calc 4 times per day. Alk starts at 12:30 am and calc one hour later. Maybe I'll try increasing the seperation. Thanks all for your input
2 part should be dosed in the exact same amounts unless you have a heck of a good reason not to. Only reason that comes to mind is a high clam load. Otherwise, keep them the same.
Rovster, But if alk is low wouldn't you add more? Right now my calc is like 470ml/day and alk is at 320ml/ this is wrong to do?
Why are your numbers off? What is your target? I agree your cal is a little high. Most of the 2 part solutions are balanced to add in equal proportions. Alk gets consumed at a higher rate than cal proportionately. I typically use alk as my guide and cal always falls into place automatically. With waterchanges you'll see things equalize unless your salt is adding a ton of cal.

I had a cal spike(doser malfunction) to 500+ a few months ago and levels came down on their own.

Edit misread that, you want to add in equal proportions always. Try not to overcomplicate it.
My calc and alk were low so I began dosing kallawasser then I had this problem with the brown jelly and found nitrates were high. Did water changes got it all under control but still couldn't get alk and calc to recommended levels. So last week I started using 2 part. Tested every morning and verified usage to get my starting doses. The amount to me seems high considering I only have 1 brain, 2 small plate corals, a small zoa group , 3 ricordia and a toadstool. I am trying to get alk to 8.0-8.8, calc to 440-460. My mag hangs between 1250-1320 trying to keep it at 1320