Availability questions


New member
When do you expect the Aquasurf controllers back in stock? I am looking to purchase one in about a week or two. Also do you offer a discount on these with the purchase of the ACIII. I will be looking for the ACIII, ORP probe, DC8, Aquasurf, and possibly a copy of Aquanotes.

Also what is the best looking cured live rock that you have in stock currently? I am looking for something that has lots of coverage of coraline algae. Also what would shipping run for 75lbs. of rock to 31069?

Thanks for your assistance!

Hi Bill,

The Aquasurfs hopefully will be a week or two. We'll contact Neptune to check, they have been on order for pretty long time.

On the rock, we won't have more cured until next week. I think the Timpora is the best choice for most coverage of coraline, life etc. The last batch of Fiji is really nice far as shape and weight, but Fiji usually doesn't have too much coverage on it.
Will you have any of the Timpora "cured" next week? I am going to need about 75lbs of something to finish out my tank. Please let me know what is going to be available. I already have the tank going with cured rock, so I don't really want to start over again with a cycle.

BTW - My order from the other day just arrived, thanks!

HI Bill,

Maybe cured by next week. Depends how fast it cures. We just got it Sunday. Fiji often cures in a week or so, but Timora might take 2 weeks since it's more lively.
I didn't see it listed last night on your website, whats it run per pound? Also if it ships half cured I have a container that I could cure it here, how long do you think it would take to finish?