AWC using 6.12 Firmware with additional programming


New member
Hi guys,

I'm looking for some help with programming AWC using the new firmware on the profilux 3.1n ex. I have read multiple threads on the GHL forum and other well know forums , but unfortunately they are all using the old firmware and consequently allot of the option/naming conventions have changed in the new firmware.

I have been able to setup an AWC using just the level sensor (1) set to "water change" and then assigning the sockets accordingly. I would like to add some additional programming to this to make the AWC dependent on a float switch I have located in my fresh saltwater reservoir.

What I'm trying to achieve is am AWC program that will not activate when my salt water reservoir has been depleted.

Please can someone explain how to program this into my profilux?

My setup is as follows...

The level sensors have been assigned to level 1 & level 2, level 1 being the required sump water level and level 2 being the water drain out level. I also have a float switch which has been assigned to level 5.

My new saltwater pump is in socket 1 and the drain pump is in socket 2. (PAB Powerbar)

Any help would be greatly appreciated


I've never done it with one level sensor. Always two.

You could set two pumps. one to pump water out for a specific time (30secs) and second pump to turn on new water for the same specific time (30s). I would not trust that because on pump can pump more or less than the other.

Much easier and safer with two level sensors
Thanks for your response Kazam.

I currently have 2 optical level sensors associated to the "water change & ATO ". this function runs perfectly on a timer/event. I have a 3rd sensor (float) which is located in my saltwater reservoir. I want to try and programme the profilux to only run the AWC if the float switch (located in my saltwater reservoir) has not been activated.

Does this make sense?
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)