Baby Rattles


New member
About three weeks ago Megan and I went on a little hiking trip about an hour and a half from the house. Look what I was so fortunate to find:






I have been collecting snakes and other reptiles since I was a child. I have been fortunate to collect some amazing reptiles from many places, and I still get excited when I hear a branch move or leaves crunch.

Here are some of the places I have been and some of the reptiles I have collected.

NC- Black Hognose Snake, Black Snake, Black Racer, Copperhead, Scarlet Snake, Ringneck Snake, Rat Snake, King Snake, Eastern Water Snake, Cotton Mouth, Green Snake, Red Bellied Snake, Garter Snake, Timber Rattler, Pygmy Rattler, Coral Snake. I have also been fortunate to collect every lizard that is native to central NC. I have also caught over 15 American Aligators, the largest being 9'. All of these were on a golf course and were relocated.

Florida (primarily introduced exotics)- Knight Anole, Giant Ameiva, Hispaniolan Green Anole, Large Head Anole, Cuban Anole, Brown Basilisk, Green Basilisk, Mexican Spiny Tailed Iguana, Curly Tailed Lizard, Green Iguana, Butterfly Lizard, Ocellated Gecko, Tokay Gecko, White-spotted Gecko and Nine Monitor.

Bermuda- Warwick Lizard, Somerset Lizard and other larger anoles

Mexico- lets just say,,....... a bunch.

And after all of that I have only been bitten once, by a 3' copperhead. Little bugger bit me on the hand.

Lets see your wild reptile picss...

I wouldn't mess with him, but cool find. When Iw as Utah I looked all over for them but the only thing I found were tracks past our tent in the am. Of course I probably missed a ton of them just not looking in the ight places. One guy came out of a hike that we had just done and he had killed three large ones. Apparently I missed them :).
Wow cool!
i always loved snakes too, i used to live in California and were everywhere (lots of diamondbacks too but wasnt brave/stupid enough to catch them)
Now i live in Massachusetts near the ocean so that is fun but almost no snakes
Here is a young southern water snake that was living in a little pond I have by my front door a while back.
