back from vacation... candycane is whitening out???


New member
Well i returned home today from a nice family vacation. I had my neighbor (who also has a reef tank.. but is new in the hobby) look after my tank. Everything looks great except my candycane coral which ive had since i started the tank in july 07'. The candycane is normally a dark red color with light green centers. now a few of the heads are about 50-75% white but are still puffy and not retracted as they were normally. Is it dying, or is it sick? can it recover from this?? what should i do?

tested the water parameters? maybe its not getting enough light? or too much and is bleaching out?
all params are good except the ca was a bit low 320 and nitrates were at 20 (usually at about 10). i dont think these would cause it to bleach out but who knows. is there anything i can do to help it?? direct feeding?? any suggestions are welcome.....

This happened to me with my candy corals. Apparantley I had them to close to the MH's. Try putting them lower in the tank. It might take some time before they color up again. They are pretty tough so I think you will be alright.

thanks chino...i have them about half way up the tank and i have pcs not halides so they should be fine there. i cant move it because i epoxied it to the rock (never use this stuff again because now i cant remove something if it dies). hopefully it will get better. besides a water change and direct feedings what else can i do to improve the survival rate??
idk about the light, i have a 175w MH with the candycane 4-5" under and the MH 8" above the water, it is almost directly under the bulb and this coral is the puffiest thing ive ever seen. im guessing it may not have liked the nitrate increase but lps are generally pretty forgiving in that respect