Bad wrasse attitude


New member
Last week we lost a fish and don't know why. Our blue tang was fine one day.. dead the next. No evidence of any disease or anything thing visible. Fat and happy everyday for the last 2 years. Nothing has changed in the tank in many months. The tank has be up for 2 1/2 years and the very first fish we put in the tank has evidently developed an attitude. Saturday I seen our Blue Head Fairy Wrasse torpedo into the side of a large chromis and scales were flying. The Wrasse has never been an issue except for wanting to go skydiving. Sounds crazy but now I was wondering if the Wrasse had been attacking the Tang. The tang was twice the size of the wrasse so it did not seem likely.
I heard horror stories of some wrasses going after a tank full of fish and going after the eyes leaving the tank fishless and only thr wrasse remained. My friend who this happenes too witnessed it several times.
I don't think this would have happened overnight. You definitely would have seen damage to the tang if this was the case. Besides, fairy wrasses are some of the more peaceful wrasses, although not impossible.
Matrix the Tang's eyes were missing !!! I still can't imagine it. But he (or she) is attacking the other fish...going to have to rehome that fish. And yes flfireman I agree normally pretty docile fish....but an aggressive jumper.
Matrix the Tang's eyes were missing !!! I still can't imagine it. But he (or she) is attacking the other fish...going to have to rehome that fish. And yes flfireman I agree normally pretty docile fish....but an aggressive jumper.

Your tangs eyes were missing? You didnt witness it right? My friend saw it near the end of her very expensive collection of fish were being picked apart by a tiny wrasse. When I told her i wanted a new fish and showed her the photo (wrasse) she yelled out "dont do it!" And told me her story.

And now your story goes to my list of horrors.
You does have to tell me! Sound like all wrasses are a lose cannon.
Not really, Not all wrasses are bad. All the wrasses I have are not only model citizens, but they are beneficial to my tanks. Some wrasses are known to be aggressive, some shouldn't be and the owner just got unlucky with a rare case. That can happen with any fish though.
Six Lines are notorious. Fairy Wrasses are not usually an issue. Mine is perfectly fine with the exception of a quick warning turn towards a fish it doesn't want in it's area, but it has never touched one.
I have a small trap you are welcome to borrow. Or just try to diy a soda bottle trap.

thanks for the offer but dont think I will need it, I am currently upgrading my 75 (Building a 180). When it is ready and the swap is done they will be removed.
ive had my female leopard wrasse for 6 months and she hasnt bothered anybody my other fish are a pair of clowns, purple tang, flame angel, midas blenny.