BAR Welcomes all to our regional swap Aug 15th


Where's Lahey?
Premium Member
<strong>Bay Area Reefers Summer Regional Swap</strong>

The BAR regional frag swap is intended to promote the propagation, sharing and ââ"šÂ¬Ã‹Å“backing upââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ of corals within the reefing community. In this event, BAR values a spirit of generosity in support of the hobby and all its participants.
This swap is open to everyone. Meet and hang out with your fellow hobbyists. Share and enjoy the diversity of corals grown by your fellow reefers. Learn more on how to care for the corals you pick and the corals you currently have.

<strong>Never been to a swap before?</strong>

No problem! We have a newbie welcoming committee that will be there to help. There will even be a newbie's corner with discussions designed to improve your reefing skills.

<strong>ââ"šÂ¬Ã…"œThat sounds neat, how do I participate?ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚</strong>

ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ Entry fee: Prepay $5 for BAR members and $10 for nonmembers, last minute registration (after Aug. 7th) $15, or $20 at the door, please use PayPal for payments by sending money to be sure to include your name and if you are a BAR member your handle. Entry fee covers the cost for corals purchased from our sponsors to be added to the swap by BAR, as well as advertising the swap outside of the regional club scene
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢Show up for Registration 11:00-12:30
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢Bring three or more different strains of coral (BAR members are known for bringing dozens of corals, so don't feel like you can only bring 3), also see below for corals that will not qualify you for the general swap*

<strong>Important Information</strong>

ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢The swap will be held on August 15th at <a href="">Chabot College Cafeteria in Hayward</a>
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢Swap registration is 11:00-12:30, anyone coming late to check in automatically is placed into the last picking group
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢The swap starts at 1:00 hard
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢The raffle will be held during the swap, so keep your ears open, although winning numbers will remain posted after theyââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢ve been called
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢We ask that you package your corals in deli containers <a href="">similar to these</a>, <a href="">or these</a> NO ZIPLOCK BAGS. Not only can you see the corals better, they do not leak all over the place so we can return to Chabot for future swaps. If you show up with substandard packing you will be asked to purchase deli containers and repackage and label your corals
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢All containers shall be labeled with the coral type, your name and internet handle and growing conditions if they are not labeled you will be required to label them on the spot, see <a href="">This Thread</a> for pre-made blank BAR Avery labels
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢There will be food and beverages available for purchase during the event
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢ Any corals that are deemed unhealthy or freshly fragged will not qualify you for the swap, it is against our mission to reward poor propagation techniques.
ââ"šÂ¬Ã‚¢There will be a raffle of items donated by our sponsors. Tickets will be on sale at the event. $40 buys you 40 tickets!

*these organisms have been deemed too common in the hobby. They will be placed on a separate table from other corals at the swap. If you only bring non-qualifying coral that are on this list you will be restricted to only picking from the common table for the first two rounds.

Non-Qualifying Corals

Green Star Polyp (GSP)

Brown Protopalythoa (sea mat)



Encrusting Gorgonian (brown GSP)

Kenya Tree

Colt Coral

Brown Toadstool Leather

Macroalgae (California legal varieties)