Hello Lowman,
You should be cautioned, your a/c (furnace) expends about 50% of its energy in Ohio/Michigan/Southern Ontario in the summer time condensating moisture out of the air. That is not an issue with outside or humid air. However, doing so with salt water can create several problems: (a) the salt water condensation that occurs can cause rapid deterioration of your A-coil inside your furnace; (b) salt accumulation within your fins of your coil; (c) in the winter, the furnace shall circulate the salt air which may post other issues in your home with corrosion on electrical and electronics.
You should look into installing an Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) to continually vent from near the sources (tank, filtration equipment, sumps) and brings fresh air back into the house. There are some pictures and discussions on HRV in my thread on here "CreatureMorpheus, 3,000g+ multi-tank system" if you like more information (postings around #26 through #35 or so. You could also check out "Fantach.com" which is a manufacturer of HRVs.