Berghia nudibranch with leopard wrasse


New member
Hi. I am thinking of introducing some Branchia nudibranch to help control aphasia. Does anyone have experience with these when there is a leopard wrasse in the tank? Will they be eaten? Thanks:)
Yes its certainly possible that it will go after the nudi depending on size,etc.....

You might be better off going with Peppermint shrimp to have a predator for aiptasia or maybe a matted filefish
Hi. I am thinking of introducing some Branchia nudibranch to help control aphasia. Does anyone have experience with these when there is a leopard wrasse in the tank? Will they be eaten? Thanks:)

IMO, my wife would be much more appreciative of me spending that kind of money on a meal for her than my wrasse.

Thanks for sharing your opinions. It sounds like I probably should reconsider the Berghia project. I have been thinking of introducing peppermint shrimps or a matted filefish. I'm a bit worried about the LPS and zoas by doing so. There is always tradeoffs in this hobby. Maybe I'll just continue killing them with kalkwasser.
Thanks for sharing your opinions. It sounds like I probably should reconsider the Berghia project. I have been thinking of introducing peppermint shrimps or a matted filefish. I'm a bit worried about the LPS and zoas by doing so. There is always tradeoffs in this hobby. Maybe I'll just continue killing them with kalkwasser.

Personally I have tried both Peps and Filefish and my zoas where never attacked.. I have heard reports of the opposite though..
Like anything else try and adapt/adjust as needed..
That's good to hear that it can be possible to keep matted filefish with zoas. I would really like to have one. Not only for aphasia control, but also because it is a really interesting fish. The way they use their fins while swimming is cool. Look kind off similar to triggers.

Maybe I'll try and see how it goes. If I'm lucky I get one that only eat aptasia.
+1 on the file fish. Haven't seen Aptasia isince I got mine. Just notice the other day that he is no longer with us. I had t six or seven years.
Sorry to hear that you lost the fish. It is sad when that happens. Especially when you have had it so long.

It sounds like a good option for aptasia control. What is your experience regarding the filefish eating corals such as zoas and los?
Very quiet fish that keeps to itself and in the rocks a lot. I never saw him eat anything but aptasia and the food I give the fish. Although I do not, and will not, have Zoas I did have them at one time and the Matted File Fish never bothered them that I saw.