Berghia Nudibranch


New member
My tank is in the process of getting de-aiptasiaed by berghia nudibranchs. If they do their job well enough, they'll end up starving, so if anyone wants some for free let me know here.
They're pretty expensive online, so I figure if we can spread them out enough we might be able to get a good local source going naturally.
I'll try and start pulling some out if there's any interest, but it might take some time
I could use 2-3 for my 24 nano, but they wont last long as I only have 2-4 aiptasia that my peppermint shrimp have not gotten.

Happy to give a frag for them. What side of the valley or you on?
I'm interested in one or two! Just a couple aptasia in my sump, but I'd prefer it if they weren't there.