Berghia nudibranchs in Miami?


New member
Hello All,

Has anyone seen any Berghia nudibranchs for sale in any of the local stores?

I am in the Doral Area.


I've run across a few but always throw them out, I heard they can be a zoa predator. Are yall using them against aptasia?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11786333#post11786333 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ryanqk
I've run across a few but always throw them out, I heard they can be a zoa predator. Are yall using them against aptasia?

I think your mixing up Berghia and zoanthid eating nudibranches. They look very similar.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11834510#post11834510 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
If you're looking for peppermint shrimp, I imagine that matt would sell you his for cheap.

I would but the problem is getting them out of my tank. I just bought a shop vac with small extensions so I can rubberband shrimp to the end and when the peppermints come up to it I flip the switch and... well you get the idea. :)

You might be able to catch them with a gl*** jar with a small piece of food in the bottom. Make sure it is deep. I have caught many sally lightfoot crabs this way.
is there a chance that the berghai nudi's will multiply out of control? or if they eat all the aptasia will they just die off?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11835378#post11835378 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bernie21
Why would you want to remove the peppermints from the tank??

I bought over 60 peppermints to get rid of my aptasia and they wouldn't touch it. I added a copperband butterfly and within 3 days almost all of them were gone. Now I am stuck with 60ish peppermint shrimp that are picking at my corals. In large groups they get gully and nip at my corals. I had to remove all LPS because they would just keep nipping until the coral was almost dead.

I don't want to take down my whole tank just to get them out so I thought a vaccum would work.

Honestly I would give the peppermints away if I had an easy way of getting them out without taking down my tank.

jessp, I have used Berghias plenty of times.I has about 300(not exaggerating) aiptasias in my BC14 and bought 4 berghias . Withing 3 months about 80% of the aiptasia was wipe out. After that i started to inject them with Lime Juice and wipe them all out. Between the juice and berghias. They are great. Once the aiptasia is all gone they simply die since thats their food source. They will multiply untill the aiptasia its gone. I have never heard of Berghias eating any Zoas or any other corals. People tend to confuse them with zoas nudis but they are definetly not.Just make sure you buy them from a reliable seller in case they try to sell you the zoa nudi. Trust me way better that peppermints, and butterflies. Since both of those are hit or miss. Berghias are guaranteed to eat your aiptasia
I bought mine AT a LFS were the lady grew them. $15 buck a pop
Trust me well worth the Money
If you're looking to put in Berghias you should have ALOT of aiptasia becuase, as stated, they will die without aiptasia to feed on.