Hi Sunny -
I know Eric B. had luck with killing Red Bugs with very concentrated Lugols dips. He claimed success with it, figured he can tell.
But, it seems like an effective dose is also
very concentrated, and thus would be very stressful on the coral as well. I know there's older threads which he speaks about it, but I found this:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6141807#post6141807 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by EricHugo
Tangwang, I would absolutely suggest the Ivermectin as a treatment for infested corals because it is cheaper and more easy to acquire (than say chitin inibitors or even doramectin) and also much more "coral-friendly" than high dose Lugol's or some of the other products we tried with variable successes. We are working on an LD50 for the drug in both host and parasite now, but I had a long post in this forum showing our work with various antiparsitics and things like Lugol's. Lugol's, at the concentration needed to kill the bugs quickly as a dip, is very rough on the corals. We had good survival despite pretty severe coral stress, but corals seem very insensitive to milbemycin...
I'm pretty sure there's more discussions, but that's a recent reference I remember.
A friend of mine who tried his regimen lost a few of the corals he dipped [hard to tell what's too much IMO] ... and for incoming frags, it's more stress than I'd like to inflict. Comparatively, IMO it's easy enough to get a bucket with heater and powerhead and do the interceptor treatment ... but that's me. When weighing the options, I guess I quit reading about lugols dips after a while due to my situation/laziness.
Your tank, your life, your practices ... I can't say.
You likely have more lugols experience than I do, better luck too.
If you have issues finding any more references to Lugols RB dips, LMK