Best food for corals?


New member
I've got all kinds of corals in my reef tank and I was wondering if anyone knows a good coral food for pretty much all corals. Thanks!

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As posted in your other thread, no corals in your tank need food and at your level of hobby experience you shouldn't be worried about feeding them. They'll all do great with no food, just feed your fish.
I use two things. Reef frenzy nano to feed fish as it also has lots of really fine particles that feed corals and when I'm intending to feed just the coral and not fish I use a product called coral smoothie. The coral really react to it. Things like torches, hammers, blasto, etc may not benefit much from it but that's why a little piece of the reef frenzy every once in a while does the trick for me

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I've personally started using Reef Roids. I take 8 oz of tank water in a cup, maybe 1/2 teaspoon of the RR, mix it up. Then suck it out with a turkey baster, turn off all pumps and hit every head with a little squirt. You will have a bunch to use so mix to what you use up at that time. twice a week