Best Heaters for a LRT?


Reef Hugger
What do you guys recommend for the BEST heater for a Large reef Tank?

IMO Heaters in our hobby really lack in build quality, durability, and accuracy. I've really liked Stealth and Ebo-Jager heaters in the past, but after talking to a friend he's got me thinking of going with a Titanium heating element like Aqua-Medic or Finnex, since my temperature will be controlled by my Profilux Plus II.

What are your thoughts, and IYE what heaters do you like/use?

Austin, i like Ebo Jagger. It has been working very well for me. But i am looking into something a bit stronger...
Bump for more opinions...

Also, if anyone uses a Heater/Chiller combo I'd like to hear experiences with them... seems like a great concept, just don't see it imlpemented very often.

Or for the few "Peltier" users out there feel free to share your experiences too :thumbsup:

From my experience and reading others experiences. All brands of heaters fail, even the well known ones.

Best thing to do is buy a good Temp Controller (Ranco,Medusa, etc..) and run multiple small heater.

Currently I run 3x 350w Titanium elements off a Medusa Temp Controller. At least if one heater fails, the other 2 will maintain an acceptable temp until I can replace it. Also, I keep at least 2 extra heaters on hand all the time.
Honestly everyone other than old ebo jagers have sucked, they always fail over time. I have one in each display tank in addition to the ones in the sump. Now I run the majority of them on external controllers as well as the thermostats on the heaters. The only good heater is one controlled by a ranco IMO.

On my large system I'm going to be using an on demand gas fired heater with titanium heat exchanger, it will be much cheaper and more efficient to heat large volumes of water than multiple electric heaters. I'm planning on integrating a passive solar heating and cooling loop as well, should pay off in the end.

Census says: "Hobby heaters stink!"

I think I'm gonna stick with my good ole' Stealths or Jagers on the Profilux :thumbsup: