Best LED lighting on a new 20 gallon high


New member
I am in the process of completely rebuilding my 20 gallon high (24x12x16) reef and want to change from the old 65W PC 50/50 lights to LED. I want to stock mostly LPS (mushrooms, candy cane, torch, polyps, zoos, etc.) but would be interested in some SPS in the future if the tank is performing well.

I really like the Current USA Orbit 24-36" LEDs, Marine and Pro versions, but I am on the fence to order. The Pro sells for around $200, but is there something else out there that can perform better? I prefer an on the tank mount, as I don't want to hang anything due to where the tank is, nor spend additional money on mounting brackets.
Take a look at the ai prime hd or the nano-lite plus from reef breeders. Better bang for your buck and can support sps later if your decide to go that way.

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I have a 10gal gallon tank the I run the 18" current orbit marine on and it does great. I have a green Haddon Carpet that moved to the more shaded corner of the tank like it was getting too much light when directly under it. I plan on eventually getting a 20gal high myself and running the same light on it. I figured the extra 4 inches of depth would be fine for all my low light LPS and softies. But the Orbit marine penetrates plenty on a 12" deep tank, enough so that my Alveapora does great sitting on the bottom and the light is also bright enough to support Acros and Turbinaria in the top 6 inches. Tank 2.jpg

My nuvo ten with prime sps only. U should be fine with all lps plus some sps on top. Plus u can control with smart phone
If you went with the Orbit Pro, you could use the 18" version, which can be found for as low as $119 shipped, and would be more than enough for a 20H. I am using one of the 18" Pro's on my IM Nuvo 20g, with the blue channel at 90% and the white at 60%, and even that might be too much for the soft corals I have. I use an 18" non-Pro on a 4.5g full of flower nems, and it is running at 100% both channels in an aquarium only 6.5" deep...
Just set up my IM nuvo 20 gallon peninsula. Bought the current USA loop 24 to 36 and it came with a free eflux 600. Bought it from great service.

I like the unit and I think I paid around $135. Everything is controlled by a remote.
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Just set up my IM nuvo 20 gallon peninsula. Bought the current USA loop 24 to 36 and it came with a free eflux 600. Bought it from great service.

I like the unit and I think I paid around $135. Everything is contrlled by a remote.

I have the Marine Pro 48" on my 75 gallon tank. If I could easily upgrade that to the LOOP system I would. The new loop led light options are a significant upgrade to the Marine Pro series.