We are going to set up our first saltwater aquarium after having several freshwater (90/40 gal) aquariums for several years. We are 95% sure we will be buying a used Red Sea Max C 250 combo because it seems like a good size/cost compromise for a first saltwater tank.
The Red Sea 250 comes with the T5 light canopy but we definitely will be going with LED lights so we will be removing the canopy and adding LED lights. We plan to have mostly LPS corals and eventually _some_ SPS. This is the list of candidate lights we are considering (and the price for 2 of them):
Ecotech Radion xR15w - $840
AI Hydra 26 - $732
Red Sea ReefLED 90 - $700
AI Prime HD - $420
Mars Aqua 165 - $220
We noticed that the Radions are VERY popular with the retail saltwater stores around here, but if the less expensive options will work great then that's money we can use in other areas for the tank.
Which lights would y'all choose and why?
The Red Sea 250 comes with the T5 light canopy but we definitely will be going with LED lights so we will be removing the canopy and adding LED lights. We plan to have mostly LPS corals and eventually _some_ SPS. This is the list of candidate lights we are considering (and the price for 2 of them):
Ecotech Radion xR15w - $840
AI Hydra 26 - $732
Red Sea ReefLED 90 - $700
AI Prime HD - $420
Mars Aqua 165 - $220
We noticed that the Radions are VERY popular with the retail saltwater stores around here, but if the less expensive options will work great then that's money we can use in other areas for the tank.
Which lights would y'all choose and why?