Best Reef Tank Set-up


New member
Does anyone know what the best reef tank set-up would be. The machanical part. I have read alot and everybody seems to have differing opinions.
How about one that has no (or very few) mechanical parts
small tank (38)
hang on back skimmer
live rock
power heads
wave timer
Lots of corals
few fish
"Best" is subjective. It would totally depend on what kind of reef tank you wanted. SPS, LPS, Softies, how big? Any ideas what you are trying to get?
Agreed, there are many different ways so not really a best way. For me, keeping LPS corals, simple is best for me.
It seems that lots of different methods work for lots of different people. From wet-dry filters to undergravel filters to just live rock to sump/fuge (my preferred method).

I think you just have to pick one method and keep a close eye on the system and make adjustments as necessary.

Every aquarist should first determine whether they are mechanical filtration biased or biologicaly biased. How much patience do you have for natural filtration processes? This will point you in the direction thats right for you. "best" is a relative term in this instance, since everyone has different bioloads, feeding habits, livestock and invertabrate diversity, and general husbandry skills. :)