Best way to eliminate Dinoflagellates while doing a tank transfer?


New member
I have been battling Dinos in my 30g cube for about a month now. my main course of action is currently cutting back my white spectrum to 4 hours a day and manual removal daily along with reduced water changes to let my nutrients creep up a little bit.

They are not TOO out of control as of now but they definitely do make a daily comeback during the photoperiod.

I know these suckers are the reason some people will completely break a tank down and start over. I just came across a killer deal on a 75G tank so I will have the opportunity to kill off the Dinos during the move!

So anyways I am looking for advice on the best way to make sure the Dinoflagelltes do not show back up in the new tank.

My current plan is to-
-Completely dispose of the current sandbed and start with fresh sand.
-Cycle the new tank with the majority of fresh dry rock, then dry out and possibly acid bathe or bleach the remainder of the live rock from my 30G and then reintroduce the rock after it has been cleaned and dried out.
-Bleach and Vinegar bathe all equipment that will be transferred to the new tank. (skimmer,heater,powerheads)

questions I have are
-How can I eliminate the dinoflagellates from my corals and coral frag plugs?
(as far as I know they are microscopic organisms)
- I heard that freshwater kills dinos..? if so could I freshwater dip the corals during the move to kill them off?

Any tips, suggestions, or advice are greatly appreciated!
I think your looking for the magic bullet. I must have set up over 50 tanks in my time and have always, no matter what, gone through a cycle of dinos. If your rock is alive but covered in dino I would just add them to the new tank and wait it out. Keep an eye on your phosphates and organics. In the mean time use a turkey baster and blast the dinos off the corals it will help them survive until the dinos die off.