bio-tope RICORDIA tank!


New member
I am looking into starting a low(10") ric tank, I have the following Items so far, 70watt 20k hqi, tunze 9002 skimmer, 10g sump, 5g for a fuge/dsb. the tank dims are 18"L 16"w 10"h and will only house ricordia and sea grass, and eventually a pair of mandarin's.
all the rock is now in my 12g, wich houses alot of rare lps wich I will be selling soon to get this project rolling! Recently Scott fellman spoke on the biotope aquariums at a local meet with my local club, and I must say he inspired this build. I spoke with him yesterday about this tank and got a few great helpful hints on the start-up. I plan to take my existing sand bed wich i very immature at this time, put it in a bucket, with flow, heat,etc,etc...
but the overall plan is to add some mud to the sand(miracle mud or what have you) to enrich the sand and hopefully get some of the grasses rooted. Once I get the tank set-up and ready for a complete transfer, I plan to line the back wall and right side wall with grasses and fill the rest of the open area's with small peices of rock and lots of ricordia and thats all, besides the mandarin pair wich will be added later on in the set-up. I have a great pod population now and plan to put almost 90% of all the rock in the fuge skimmer area, leaving mostly pod piles and rock attachted to the corals in the display.

I also have been learning the culturing process of live rotifers and of course brine, to keep the mandarins fat and healthy also stock on cyclopeze and live pods.... hope to update this thread as much as I can throughout the build ! please post any q's you may have regarding this build and please add some info that you may have regarding my biotope aquarium!
Great idea!

You probably know this already, but seagrasses are a bit of a challenge. In my experience, which seems typical, you get a lot of initial die-back, then they slooooowly come back. Halodule does okay in my 29G Florida tank, but Syringodium and Thalassia grow very slowly and sparsely.

I just mention this because if you're planning on using them as a decorative element in the tank, you probably won't have much decoration :)

I hope I don't sound discouraging...seagrasses are way cool!

I was initially concerned that you might not have enough light for the seagrasses, but since the tank is so shallow, you should be fine.

Heres some pics from an all-Ricordea tank I had set up about a year ago: NC6gallon



bad photo but a FTS nonetheless...

I only had the tank up for about 3 months and then moved everything from this tank and another tank into a bigger tank.