Birdsnest and Acros...


New member
Quick question, are they about the same if difficulty to maintain with superb water conditions, lighting water movement etc?

Very curious as to your opinions on these two corals...

Your question seems a bit vague as the term "acro" covers a large family.

From what i've found, Birdsnest's are relatively easy to keep. I've got one under direct lighting with medium flow and it's doing well. Just remember, when the colony gets large it will need high flow through the "branches".
Sorry for being Vague,

Liveaquaria list them as difficult. Just as they list Acros as being difficult as well.

Yet my birdsnest is growing rapidly as I picked up a frag of it one year ago and it's three times it's size now.

In other words, I've lost a couple of acros but never my birdsnest, they seem to be a very resilient coral.

I just wasn't sure if they are within the same category of hard to keep SPS.


I've lost acropora milli in the past to RTN/STN.
There is definately a range of difficulty with acros/sps. Some seem to be almost like weeds and others (some wild tables etc) seem to be very picky. It is usually best to list a particular one (or a pic with a educated guess) and ask for other people's experience. I do believe many of us, when it comes to acros, will make the mistake of saying "easy" (just like I said weed) when to someone who is new (not saying you) will most likely not be able to keep them.
