Black spots


New member
About 2 weeks ago i noticed 2 varieties of my palys were closed. After a few days i inspected the colonies and started treatment( coral rx/revive dips and after a week started iodine by seachem). I started to notice black spots/holes next 2 the "heads" of each polyp. The polyps were GOW and CB viper. After searching online came up with nothing. No other zoa/paly were efected. All colonies survived after switching systems and treatment . No other polyps left in original system have suffered. I've heard of zoa pox but not sure what the cause was. All polyps have healed since. Any ideas?
About 2 weeks ago i noticed 2 varieties of my palys were closed. After a few days i inspected the colonies and started treatment( coral rx/revive dips and after a week started iodine by seachem). I started to notice black spots/holes next 2 the "heads" of each polyp. The polyps were GOW and CB viper. After searching online came up with nothing. No other zoa/paly were efected. All colonies survived after switching systems and treatment . No other polyps left in original system have suffered. I've heard of zoa pox but not sure what the cause was. All polyps have healed since. Any ideas?

possily pods. i witnessed some digging a hole in the stalk and going in and out. you can see it at night time.
here is a picture of my little invaders:


ive been watching these guys go in a pin sized hole on one of my red palys, it oes in and comes out like 2 sec later, theres a few of them doing this......not sure if its food they are after or a place to breed possibly.....either way it irritates the palys
ok after I posted I dipped and the GOW zoa went back to normal. Well today Notice my day trippers with same symptom. Here is a pic of them to help. Sorry it was the best pic I could get. Any help is appreciated.


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Probably bacterial infection.
Try 3-5 drops of Lugol's solution in a little 8-10 oz container with tank water for 3 - 5 min ASAP!

used rx and seachem reef dip(iodine based). Worked on the GOW. Just strange never seen this before in 13 years. Then twice in the past month or so.
There are some little white/yellowish dots too...
Could be pox also.

You could treat for pox with Furan2.

