

New member
Hi, i bought these three mushrooms about 2 months ago and actually the one in the middle was by far the biggest when i got them.Out of no where one day about 2 weeks after i got them, it got all sick looking and fell off. I found it stretching to get sunlight from under a rock so i put it back in a spot and it attached but ever since it doesn't hardly open and its all clear except the edges and the very center tip. Will its color come back and open back up eventually? its been a while now and i can't tell much of a difference.

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How much and what kind of lighting do you have? Also try a water change, Some times it's lighting other times it's water quality.
I have a duel power compact has 1 night one day bulb in it. It goes to a twenty gallon tank but i have it hanging over a 10. I have tried water changes and im keeping my nitrates low no amonia or nitrite i don't know what could be wrong about to just toss him, hes ugly now
Sounds like everythings good except the mushroom. I've had a couple of mushrooms that seem like they just don't like my tank, before I know it they just seem to vanish. Sorry to hear you got a bad one. Good luck on the next one though.
What is your alk at? My alk recently dropped to 7dkh and my shrooms didn't like it at all. None of them dropped off of their rocks, but they were all shrivelled and unhappy.
Ugly now but when you get it figured out, beautiful again. They take a while to recover from a bleaching. Just leave them be and keep your parameters on the up and up.
