Blisters on shrooms


New member
I have a ton of hairy mushrooms all over my tank. For the last month or so the mushroom on the left side of the tank started getting little water blisters all over them. It is the shrooms located in the middle of the rock. The ones on the glass and bottom of the tank dont have em. They dont appear too be dying off just blistered. There is a tree leather ablout 5 inches away from the shrooms. During the daylight the tree expands over a foot high and spreads out. Do you think the tree may be stinging the shrooms? At first I thought it may be some kind of worm but it stays in the one area. Sorry no pics right now I am at work. Thanks
Thanks for responding. I have not changes the lighting. They are under vho bulbs. I just dont understand why only on the one side at mid level