Blown76mav's tank build.


Not sure this is the right place, but with a total water volume including sump I'm over 200 gallons.

I guess its time to make a post about my 150 build. After being in the hobby for only a few months I have realized my 65g wasn't going to cut it. After talking with Mikki over at and seeing her tank build I knew I needed to start looking for something a little bigger. After looking I found a 150 rr tank and stand. Now all I had to do was convince the wife it needed to be in the house. Well it didn't take to much as she wanted her livingroom back. So I had to remodel a room, make some shelves and a closet and I was set.

With the tank in the house I had to do A LOT of cleaning. As I started I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into. I kept telling myself it will all be worth it in the end. Over the next week I cleaned, scrubbed and breathed vineager. After it was clean I put black vinyl on the back of the tank so I didn't have to smell paint fumes.

Now with the tank cleaned and the back taken care of it was off to the basement....




After cleaning I then had to tackle the basement. This is what was in my way. After removeing the bookshelf and the cabinet I got to work on building my sump stand.

Next up priming, painting,plumbing and sump building.......



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Well I got some work done, painted the bench. And the UPS guy delivered my Reeflo 300 Extreem today:D



Up next a custom acrylic sump(waiting on acrylic) and some plumbing.
You might need to add some vertical supports for your stand depending on how much weight you get on there. As you have it now all the weight from the top of of the stand is being transferred down through the nails only. If the nails weaken or rust it might fall down. It is much better for the top frame to be directly supported underneath by 2x4s rather than screwed to them on the inside. Its any easy fix and will make your stand much more structurally sound.
Got some more work done today. Maybe by next weekend I can start getting some water in place. Got some electrical to do.......
Got some more work done today. Question, would you build an extension to support the end of the 30 gallon quarantine tank or turn it sideways? On the other side of the pipe is going to be 48x16x16 sump so that isn't an option.






UPS man dropped of my acrylic today. Once I get over this cold, I'm going to start my sump. Also how do I get one of those red house thingys at the top of my posts?
Well after battling the flu I got some work done on the sump, it isn't finished but here is a little preview. No the wood will not be staying just getting an idea how high to make the skimmer stand. Still need to put in the fug and drill for the return. Also going to make a top brace.


Finally got the sump finished. Now its time to tackle the electrical. Starting to get some water in the tank heating up.:)

