blue mushroom developing white spots?

Are the white spots that big white ring in the middle, or is that glare and you mean like the white streaks on it?
No glare, that is the white I'm referring to, toward the center, with spots going all the way to the outter edge. but the mouth is still blue. And no streaks just the blob in the center and spots. There is another one in the crevis next to it but it is completely blue.
Looks a bit bleached imo, which is weird since it's next to some lower light corals that are looking good, what's your lighting?
Wow, you must like a white tank... For me it was always 3 actinics and 1 aquablue :)

Have they been under those lights for a while and just started looking weird, or did something change? I've never seen one just bleach out of nowhere like that.
Yea I like the natural look. All white with a touch of blue, only enough to take away any yellow. In the back, above the majority of my SPS I have 2, 150w, 14K mh and 1 T5 actnic. The only thing that has changed is I went through an ALK spike about 4 months ago. A few SPS did not make it, and a few others are still recovering, but every thing else shrooms, zoas, and leathers are fine. I have a few more blue shrooms in different places, but it's just this one that has changed color.